500 Montezuma Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
A young woman graduated from beauty school and then college. She built her business, but she wanted more for herself and more for her clients. As such, she moved to Europe, learned German, and worked her way up at Vidal Sassoon - Hamburg. As she continued to hone her precision cutting skills, she developed a passion for hair color, resulting in working her way up to the National Director of Education for an international hair color company. Her current passion is education - developing the talent of the Rock Paper Scissor team. She brings to Santa Fe a European model of talent development, and an American model of a learning organization.
All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and Equal Opportunities Act. Santa Fe Properties (“SFP”) strives in to confirm as reasonably practical all advertising information herein is correct but assumes no legal responsibility for accuracy and should be verified by Purchaser. SFP is not responsible for misinformation provided by its clients, misprints, or typographical errors. Prices herein are subject to change. Square footage amounts and lot sizes are approximates.
Santa Fe Properties
1000 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501
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